German Speaking Service Desk Intern - XI. kerület
XI. kerület, 2024.08.29.

German Speaking Service Desk Intern - XI. kerület

Szerezz releváns szakmai tapasztalatot már diákként! Hivatkozási szám WHC021834
German Speaking Service Desk Intern - XI. kerület

XI. kerület Vissza German Speaking Service Desk Intern - XI. kerület Szerezz releváns szakmai tapasztalatot már diákként! Hivatkozási szám WHC0218342024.08.29.

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Partnerünk a világ egyik vezető automatizációs megoldásokat nyújtó vállalata. IT csapatuk keresi új diák gyakornokát.


  • Responding to inquiries and technical issues in a timely and professional manner via tools, phone & email coming from internal customers of the KUKA Group,
  • document all user interactions and resolutions accurately and thoroughly in the company's system,
  • fulfill service requests based on pre-defined procedures (password resets, providing access, remote Software installation, VPN Setup, IT procurements, etc.),
  • manage internal customer's hard- and software requests and the configuration management database,
  • work collaboratively with other team members and actively report to team leads to enhance performance and quality, and therefore contribute to a good working atmosphere,
  • stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in technical support


  • ongoing university studies, active full-time student status (nappali tagozatos aktív hallgatói jogviszony),
  • taking minimum 24 hours a week for at least 6 months,
  • interest in IT and technical customer service,
  • excellent written and verbal communication in German and English,
  • strong communication, problem-solving skills and customer-oriented approach,
  • capability of accurately following through given steps and guidelines.


  • stable long-term intership
  • competitive internship salary
  • hybrid working
  • company shuttle bus
  • bilingual work environment
  • home office possibility

Partnerünk a világ egyik vezető automatizációs megoldásokat nyújtó vállalata. IT csapatuk keresi új diák gyakornokát.

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